Moving Ahead: Breaking Behavior Patterns That Hold You Back
You may be your career's worst enemy. Change your professional image by overcoming destructive workplace behavior!
Course Type: Live Online SeminarUSD900.00
What’s your professional image? Do you steamroll over others in a quest for power…constantly rebel against authority…start and spread office gossip…cry at the drop of a hat in stressful situations? These are just a few examples of bad behavior that contribute to a poor professional image resulting in “career suicide”—even for the most capable employees. Overcome and resolve workplace situations where ineffective behavior is at play so that you can improve your professional image to move forward and get the rewards you deserve.
How You Will Benefit
What You Will Cover
Who Should Attend
General managers, supervisors, team leaders and anyone who has a negative behavior pattern that has created a bad professional image and impeded his or her career success.